martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Another kind of sport planning

How to plan your exercise and do all you want to do??!!!!

Sometimes it is difficult to follow a big schedule or/and be organized when you don’t have a routine established. I often find myself in this situation.

The first thing:

The first thing before starting to do anything is to decide a goal on a short term (between 30 days and 90 days). It doesn’t matter if it is a race, a weight or size to rise up, kg to lose or gain, muscles to show, technique to improve, to tone up, stretching, feel alive, etc.

After that, obviously you must decide how many days per week and hours per day you will dedicate towards this activity.

It’s important to say that the goal should be realistic and it should be flexible to yourself.

What planning is involved?

It consists of ting up stickers for everything that you want to do in a predetermined period of time. You must not considerate work, studies and home-duties. You must write down the different training sessions that you would like to do, where you would like to do them and in which method you would like to do for get your goal in this period of time that you have chosen.

For example, in my case, I did this:

I recommend you to calculate how many hours you will have in total and how many things you have to do in the different stickers. Sometimes could happen that you write too many things for a limited time.

How does it work?

This kind of planning is based in sensation feelings. The methodology is easy. When you know your schedule for the week or for the next few days, stick up the stickers that you want or have to do for the next days creating and mental obligation for realized. In this way, you will never stop training and you will feel that you are reaching your goals in a logical manner.

It is important to not skip training and be disciplined. The other thing that we must keep in minds is that it is as important the hardest sessions as the easiest or slowest sessions.


1-       It is an organized method for achieve your goal and do everything that you want to do.

2-       You always have something to do for the next day and you don’t have make up for it.

3-       This is an easy way for everyone and you can individualize it.


1-       It is not easy to keep a regular routine.

2-       It’s difficult to work out all that you want within a limited period.

3-       It is a home-made planning without sport specialist assistance.