domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

1er Tri de la Temporada 2016

Cap a Blaneessss!!!

Avui ha tocat matinar per anar cap a Blanes, carregant la bici, neopré i tot l'equip sencer. 
Començaré fent una breu crònica, ja que no m'agrada allargar-me. Les coses curtes i clares.

6:30 Esmorzar: entrepà de tonyina i aigua, molta aigua. 
7:45 Arribada a Blanes, descarreguem Bicis i Bosses.
7:50 Primera aturada al lavabo, i no em refereixo per canviar l'oli, sinó que per alleugerar el pes.
8:15 Recollida de dorsals i orientació del circuit.
9:00 Entrada a Boxes per deixar el material: Bici preparada amb botes agafades amb les típiques gomes de pollastre, casc, dorsal, ulleres i per després bambes.
Evidentment, amb el tri-traje posat, neoprè, barret i ulleres. 
Important: vaselina per al neoprè, sempre, molta vaselina...
Segona visita al Sr. Roca abans de la competició, també per perdre pes (començo a pensar que tinc un problema o que literalment estic cagat).
9:15 Escalfament a l'aigua, pels de punta, esta congelada.
9:30 Sortida. Com sempre peco de prudent i surto massa endarrere, això significa rebre cops, puntades, etc. Ara toca intentar nadar bé, faig el que puc i surto de l'aigua una mica desorientat. La transició a la bici no es gens bona, a més a més, perdo una bota, però ràpidament formem un grup i anem com fletxes, això ja m'agrada més. La T2 és força bona i intento portar un ritme constant, no el que m'agradaria, les cames no van més. 

10:33 Arribada 1:08:19 - no gaire content per el temps realitzat, però orgullós de haver-ho donat tot. Ha sigut un gran dia, amb moltes ganes de seguir entrenant, ja que això només acaba de començar, l'objectiu és clar, baixar de 1h i 5'. Posició final: #primerosnoemosquedado 

Parcials: natació: 12'25''    Bici: 36'31''   Cursa: 19'21''

Avaluació final: content per ser la primera, amb il·lusió de fer-ho bé a distància Sprint, parcials millorables.

#unmésunmenys #deaquíavigo #laaventuradelaño

Microcicle 2:

Lunes: 2.400m swim (2.400m S.Principal - 4 de 300  con Pull y Palas, últimos 25m. sin pull pies al máximo y 100m. recuperación estilos entre series).
Martes: cicloIndoor + running 12km ritmo suave - T2
Miércoles: Técnica carrera + entrenamiento de fuerza
Jueves: propiocepción tobillos + masaje de descarga
Viernes: 1500 swim - (200 warm up + 500m ritmo competi + 200 suaves + 500m. ritmo competi + 100m. suaves)
Sábado: descanso

Domingo: triatlón Sprint de Blanes

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Microciclo específico 2

La semana ha ido de menos a más, acabando el fin de semana con una buena carga muscular de brazos, espalda y piernas.

Contento por la marca en los 10km en la Cursa nocturna Hospitalet, pero aún más por la super compañía de Jordi Ayala (a la próxima ya no me ganas), Victor Pardo (recién llegado al mundo runner) y Sergio.

Exhausto de la super T2 del domingo que me dejó sin energía. Marc no tiene piedad de mi, la semana pasada ya me dejó muerto y este domingo más de lo mismo. Tendré que empezar a plantearme si es bueno para mi salud, seguir saliendo de "paseo" en bici con él.

Intento realizar los entrenamientos con el orden establecido en mi planificación personal, pero como se ve más abajo, acabo la semana haciendo lo que puedo y cuando puedo. El motivo no es que no tenga ganas sino porque hay días que es difícil combinar trabajo, estudios y entrenos.

Lunes: Descanso
Martes: T2 45' cycling (cicloIndoor) y 45' running a ritmo suave.
Miércoles: 40' running con 6 cambios de ritmo de 2' a ritmo 3'30''/km + entrenamiento específico muscular (fuerza máxima), compensatorio de pies y tobillos (propiocepción).
Jueves: 3.500m swim S.Principal (600m a ritmo 1'40'' y 2 de 50m al máximo con palas y aletas, 500m a ritmo 1'40'' + 100m al máximo con palas y aletas, 400m y 2 de 50m al máximo con palas y aletas, 300m a ritmo 1'35'' + 100m al máximo con palas y aletas).
Viernes: 1.500 swim S.P. (700m a ritmo competición).
Sábado: 10km running competición - marca 38'38''.
Domingo: 80km Bike (costas de Sitges) + 6km running S.P. (3km a ritmo 4'00''/km).

Con ganas de empezar la semana que viene con el primer triatlón de la temporada.
Domingo nos vamos a Blanes!!!

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Vuelta a los entrenamientos específicos.


Después de más de un año de parón en el Blog, voy a intentar retomarlo poco a poco.
El objetivo ahora es, básicamente, volver a empezar lo que un día inicié; un Blog de Triatlón y de Entrenamiento.

No se qué voy a publicar exactamente, que dirección ni qué significado van a tener los contenidos del Blog a partir de hoy, lo que si que se, es que van a haber fotos, chorradas, experiencias personales, aventuras, vídeos y conocimientos deportivos!

Sobre la marcha, espero que se cree un Blog interesante para aquellos que se inician al triatlón, como yo en su día, y para aquellos que quieran ir siguiendo alguna de mis aventuras.

Esta semana, como estoy TriMotivadisimo, os voy a explicar la semana de entrenakens que he tenido. Bueno, primero decir, que estoy ya en la fase específica de preparación. Tengo el primer tri de aquí a tres semanas, en Blanes, uno de los primeros de la temporada.

Este año el objetivo es exprimirme al máximo en la distancia Sprint y Olímpica. Creo que he realizado una muy buena fase de preparación general y de adaptación, así que, dentro de mis posibilidades y mi nivel, espero poder hacerlo bien este año.

Microciclo de la Semana:
 - Lunes: 3 series de 500m nado. Buscando en la 3era serie ritmos por encima de competición.
 - Martes: 60' running con algún cambio de ritmo + entreno de gimnasio específico triatlón.
 - Miercoles: 30' running + 2 series de 3.000 en pista (ritmo 3'40'') 3' pausa.
 - Jueves: CicloIndoor + 3.000m swim (serie principal 2x(6x 150m) a ritmo 1'40''
 - Viernes: descanso
 - Sábado: 100km Cycling (principal 1h. a vel. alta y media potencia 200W)
 - Domingo: 80' running. (Cursa montaña Pauls 14km y 700+)

Negativo: mala alimentación el sábado, se me hizo muy pesado y llegué derrotado. Puta bici.
Positivo: voy a un buen ritmo en las series, me siento bien, no me dolió la cintilla iliotibial en la montaña el domingo.

Con Marc en NII sufriendo para volver.

En montaña, al máximo.

sábado, 3 de enero de 2015

East Coast Trip Australia

After five months ago, It's time to rescue this Blog. Today, after 2015 entrance I have a new propose, keep going making videos, writing memories and uploading pictures.

One of the things that I couldn't forget and pass over without make a video is the East Coast trip with Jordi Ayala, who came to visit me.

20 days that are not the same to explain than to live, for these reason I leave you to watch the video... Turn Up the Speakers and get jealous of us!!

Experiences, happiness, adventure, countries, beaches and sport! what else can you ask for?

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

The last step of that trip! Lombok island!!

After three days with Ivys and Moana we decided that it was the right time to go to Gili Islands. We didn’t hesitate that the properly island was Gili Trawalgan, the craziest of the three islands, crowded of young people, nice clubs, food markets and some beach parties.

The time there ran quickly. Some snorkelling, jogging, staring the sunsets, good dinners and some parties were the activities that we did.

Following my feeling to go into the wild, I said goodbye to them and I keep my travel alone. I had to leave the island in the sunrise because I wanted to take the first boat. I supposed that It would be difficult to arrive to Kuta always… for the transport.

I had to pass through masses of people who offered me to bring me wherever. After three bemos, some villages and infinity of negotiations I got lost in a small village without transport, good feeling and humour for more negotiations. Despite of the reasonable and easiest thing would be pay the double price for motorbike with a driver who brought me to Kuta Lombok, I refused all this options and I started to walk on my way. 15km it wasn’t too much until Kuta. The issue was that I felt a bit scared for all the motorbike that stopped beside me offering transportation and bad luck after I avoided them.

the main problem was that I knew about the dangerousness of that people against the foreigners. In Loney Planet Guide they advertise you about be aware of the locals in Lokmbok because there is not police in that island, so they make the rules. 

Obviously I walked holding a knife and a stone in each hand...I’ll never forget that moment! :)

Once I've arrived, I settled in a small guesthouse with views to the sea. I rented a small bamboo hut for one week. Just a toilet, a mattress on the floor and a wardrobe were all that I had, plus a beautiful terrace and a flower full, cute garden where I met a lot of young local guys.

Quietness, happiness, peace and a breathtaking aura of paradise. In that moment is when you learn about the simplicity of the life, The real value of the things, the love for the people and the beauty of the nature. There are a lot of things that make us crazy, we are worry about hundred of duties that in this places even didn't thing about it.

In that small village I found again my real me and I felt completely pure. I had time for thing and understand a bit more about how the word works but mainly I did what I most like to do, exercise in contact with the nature.

I spent mornings and afternoons waiting for waves, trying to stand up, and proving to ride a wave. As the locals always told me. NEVER TRY, NEVER KNOW. So that, I went in to massive and huge waves until three time me. Despite of I didn't catch any of them, I was so proud of myself for have been inside. Hopefully, I'll never forget the sensation of be a tiny fish in a industrial washing machine.

Writing down this, I'll finish as always there, with a Nasi Goreng or curry chicken and a pair of Bang Bang chocolate bars.

Once, Things were meant to be used and people to be loved.
Now, Things are used to be loved and people to be used.

Thanks everyone who made this trip incredible and unique.


lunes, 4 de agosto de 2014

Bali and Ubud

It took me a long day and a half for arrive to Bali. I remember that I had to take a train from Probolingo to the east point of Java and then take a Ferry during the night and cross to the next island. After that, I also had to take an overnight bemo, full of men, with the luggage on our legs, to arrive to station of Denpasar…. Anyone was there at 1am, so before the sunrise I walked around this dessert city till find a cheap hotel.

Bali is awesome. The weather is incredibly good, the beaches are perfect for learn, practise and improve surfing because there are for all levels. I spent most of the days driving a motorbike for 4$ per day, surfing per 5$, and eating chicken rice and vegetables for a ridiculous price. Also here, most of the people is not Muslim, they are busiest, so that means that are really friendly, I don’t know why.

Kuta Bali, Uluwato, Balangan, Panang Panang, Bingin, Canguu and Medewi, all of them the typical surf spots, where were I spent all my days. 

 One special day in Bali.

Without think too much, we were agreed in the decision to take the motorbikes and drive to Ubud, the cultural city of Bali. My first impression was that we’ll not be able to arrive. Ivys has never driven a motorbike before and when he has pressed the gas, he crashed against the flowers…. J

After two hour drive we arrived alive!! Monkey temple is our first stop. A lot of fun looking monkey’s skills movements stealing all bananas, papaya, chocolate bars and some sunglasses. The temple was really worth. You get completely the feeling of be inside Indiana Jones.

The next attraction will be the rice fields but, where are they?

Now is when the adventurer guard soul come to rescue us. Effectively we got lost in the roads but a nice man pick us up and guide until this magnificent fields. He made us stop the motorbikes in a desolate terrace where instantly I thought that he wanted to stole us or be our guide. Obviously like everyone in this country see the tourists like a dollar note…

Being polite and enjoying the situation we use the moment for take hundreds of pictures, stare at the different levels of terrace, ask all that we wanted to know, get a class of vegetation, learn the processing of the rice plantation being covered of the symbolic aura that involves this area. 

We recognise that the guy was so friendly and kindly and he explain us hundreds of interesting things. Although, I couldn’t wait for ask him how much money he wanted for all of that. The answer was just the volunteer.

Despite of that he brought us to traditional coffee plantation of Lumak where we did a tastes of different coffees, teas and chocolates. It was a memorable experience. Finally at the end of the afternoon he brought us to the highest tree in Bali where we could take pictures as a real monkeys hanging up.

Later, it arrived the surprised because as I gave him some money as voluntary, he asked for more and he told us the price of that tour, it was excessive. Nevertheless I would give that amount of money so we had to bargain for a wide.

We arrived with a huge smile to the hostel and the day finished in the famous Sky Garden where 5-6 is free beers, 7-9 all can you eat food and 9-10 free cocktails part time!!!